Journal articles

Tauzin, D. and Woltz, K. (2025) The Role of Science in Democracy: John Dewey as a Foil to Frank Knight, History of Political Economy.
Boettke, P.J., Candela, R., and Woltz, K. (2018) Is the Market Wage the Just Wage? A Reassessment of Factor Pricing and Distributive Justice. Erasmus Journal of Philosophy.

Book Chapters

Skarbek, D. and Woltz, K. (2024) Comparative Approaches to the Study of Prison Gangs and Prison Order in The Oxford Handbook of Gangs and Society.

Boettke, P.J., Candela, R., and Woltz, K. (2020) The Institutional Justice of the Market Process: Entrepreneurship, Increasing Returns and Income Distribution, in Capitalism Foundations of the Market Economy, (eds.) Stephen Miller and G.P. Manish, New York: Routledge Foundations of the Market Economy.

Woltz, K. (2020) Democracy in the Age of Mass Incarceration, in The Political Economy of Alexis de Tocqueville, (eds) Peter J. Boettke and Adam Martin, Springer.

Boettke, P. J. and Woltz, K. (2019) Economics and Ethics in the Austrian School of Economics, in The Oxford Handbook of Ethics and Economics, (ed) Mark White, Oxford University Press.

encyclopedia entries and Book reviews

Woltz, K. (2021) Review of The Puzzle of Prison Order: Why Life Behind Bars Varies Around the World by David Skarbek, Review of Austrian Economics.

Woltz, K. (2020) Prison Periodicals and Institutional Change, in The Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, (eds) A. Marciano and G. B. Ramello, New York: Springer.

Accepted, Palagashvili, L., Woltz, K., and Kaiser, C. (2024) Revise and resubmit, Contact with the Criminal Justice System and Labor Market Implications: Outcomes, Mechanisms, Policy Solutions, and Remaining Questions, Mercatus Center Working Paper Series.

working papers

Wardens, Political Scapegoating, and the Role of Prison Journalism
Frank H. Knight on Scientism and Socialism (with Dillon Tauzin)
The Role of Prisoner Voice in Criminal Justice Reform
The Meaning of Entrepreneurship: Distinguishing the Contributions of Frank H. Knight and Israel Kirzner (with Dillon Tauzin)

Works In PRogress

A Comparative Analysis of Prison Journalism in the United States and Canada
The Institutional Tension in Knight (with Dillon Tauzin)

Blog Posts

Summary of “Is the Market Wage the Just Wage? A Reassessment of Factor Pricing and Distributive Justice” (with Peter J. Boettke and Rosolino Candela) on Justice Everywhere, March 2019.